Residents fight Mitr Phol Biofuel over stinky molasses ponds

In Thailand, local residents in Kalasin signed a petition asking biofuel company, Mitr Phol BioFuel Co Ltd, an affiliated firm of Mitr Phol Group,...

UFOP and EOA say EU failed to defend its agriculture

In Germany, UFOP and European Oilseed Alliance (EOA) issued a statement saying that the European Commission’s recent decision to hold off on imposing anti-dumping...

Biofuel groups sue EPA over RFS waivers

In Washington, D.C., biofuel and farm groups filed a lawsuit to review waivers granted to oil refineries in Oklahoma, Utah and Wyoming exempting them...

Indonesia government to increase biodiesel mix to 25%

In Indonesia, the government is planning to issue a regulation on the production of 25% biodiesel (B25) early next year. Once issued, the policy...

Fire Waters shows ethanol can replace fossil fuels in the kitchen

In the United Kingdom, a new demonstration site for commercial cooking equipment, Fire Waters, is showing how conventional cooking fuels could easily be replaced...

Market swaps straws for noodles

In Australia, stall holders at Malak Markets are distributing pasta straws as part of a local push to eliminate plastic straws that end up...

Gulfstream laments lack of biofuel worldwide

In Georgia, Gulfstream is trying to use biofuels where it can, but complains about the lack of availability around the world. Derek Zimmerman, president...

Brazil to surpass 1 billion liters of corn biofuel

In Brazil, while debt is hurting sugarcane production and ethanol from sugarcane, corn ethanol is picking up the pace. For the first time ever...

Nearly 1B liters of biodiesel auctioned in Brazil

In Brazil, Brazilian Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) said that 993.6 million liters (262.5m gallons) have been contracted in the 62th...

Scania, Volkswagen Group, Siemens tackle electric long-haulage trucks

In Sweden, Scania announced that the German Government decided to co-finance a research project to test and develop electric road technology for eHighways. This...

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Something old, something new, something biobased: Designer grows a mushroom wedding gown

In the Netherlands, designer Dasha Tsapenko “grew” her wedding dress using mycelium and vintage linen lace sourced from Ukrainian flea markets. “I wanted to combine...

Italy team develops biobased, inflammation-busting burn bandages

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Swiss startup Nectariss recreates bougie fungi with fermentation

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