Using old tree rootstock to make new apple trees increases resistance to disease and...

In New York, geneticists with the Agricultural Research Service are working with one of the ancestors of the world’s first apple trees from Kazakhstan...

Mathematics prove the value of precision agriculture for hand-picked specialty crops

In Illinois, researchers at the University of Illinois used mathematics to prove the potential for financial rewards by applying precision agriculture techniques to hand-picked...

New discovery finds rocks produce more than a quarter of the nitrogen available to...

In California, the prevailing science has indicated that all of the nitrogen on Earth available to plants comes from the atmosphere. But a study...

Tomato juice can taste better by adding tomato essence

In Florida, University of Florida scientists are working on making your tomato juice taste better by extracting tomato essence and then adding it back...

Now, cow emissions can be more accurately estimated

In Pennsylvania, leading the worldwide effort to get a better handle on methane emissions from animals, an international consortium of researchers devised more accurate...

Research shows ancient agriculture changed Earth’s climate

In Wisconsin, millennia ago, ancient farmers cleared land to plant wheat and maize, potatoes and squash. And unknowingly, they may have been fundamentally altering...

Eating walnuts activates the hunger regulator part of your brain

In Massachusetts, a first-of-its-kind brain imaging study showed consuming walnuts activates an area in the brain associated with regulating hunger and cravings. Packed with...

Carbon taxes can cut GHG emissions while being economically fair

In Massachusetts, researchers at MIT and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory conducted an extensive analysis of several proposals and concluded that putting a price...

Low cost, disposable graphene nanoparticle strips detect pesticides instantaneously in the field

In Iowa, a team at Iowa State University’s Department of Mechanical Engineering created a flexible, low cost and disposable biosensor that can detect pesticides...

High-tech farming works in rural communities, too

In Arizona, technologies that allow astronauts and polar explorers to grow fresh foods in space and Antarctica can benefit rural communities, too. Dr. Gene...

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Pineapple pact shows fruits of collaboration on Earth Day

In California, Dole Packaged Foods has partnered with circular design firm Rais Case and Ananas Anam, creator of pineapple-based textile Piñatex®, to tackle pineapple...

Project converting chicken feathers into cultivated chicken meat concludes first phase

In Italy, a research project looking to grow cells from chicken feathers into chicken meat has concluded its first phase by generating a batch...

Vote for sustainability: Bioplastic dummy ballots used to spread voter awareness

In India, IIT Guwahati has developed 3D-printed dummy ballots made of biobased polylactic acid. Commissioned by the Systematic Voters' Education and Electoral Participation Cell, the...