23andMe granted first FDA approval for cancer genetic testing

In California, 23andMe, Inc., received the first-ever FDA authorization for a direct-to-consumer genetic test for cancer risk. The authorization allows 23andMe to provide customers,...

Let your light shine – bacteria sensor lights up when exposed to toxins

In Denmark, Technical University of Denmark researchers collaborating with Israeli colleagues have built a sensor equipped with bacteria which light up when exposed to...

Monsanto Growth Ventures invests $25M in Pairwise Plants gene editing company

In California, Pairwise Plants closed a $25M Series A financing co-led by Deerfield Management and Monsanto Growth Ventures, the venture capital arm of Monsanto...

Fish-killing algae blooms meet their match

In California, Agilent, a life sciences, diagnostics and applied chemical markets company, is working with researchers at the Technical University of Denmark to analyze...

Live in a megacity? Your microbiome is more fragile

In South Korea, researchers at Chung-Ang University collected microbial skin samples from over 230 healthy people living in megacities and smaller cities in China...

Government to cover genomic testing for Medicare cancer patients

In Maryland, the U.S. government’s Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) said that diagnostic laboratory tests using Next Generation Sequencing would be covered...

New genetic test detects manatees’ recent presence in fresh or saltwater

In Virginia, U.S. Geological Survey scientists developed the first laboratory test that can pick up traces of manatees’ genetic material in the waterways where...

Hundreds of cattle stomach microbes now cataloged

In New Zealand, researchers from 14 research organizations across nine countries collaborated to generate a reference catalogue of 501 rumen microbial genomes. The reference...

Protein breakthrough opens up chemical remediation possibilities

In California, researchers at the University of California at Berkeley have developed a protein “mat” that can trap chemical pollution, including insecticides. The work managed...

KeyGene’s crop and animal breeding patent upheld by the USPTO

In the Netherlands, KeyGene’s United States patent (US 8,815,512) protecting Sequence-Based Genotyping (SBG) technology was upheld by the United States Patent and Trademark Office,...

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Green beans: Brazil’s Cellva uses biotech to convert coffee waste into cocoa substitute

In Brazil, a São Paulo-based biotech startup is converting coffee waste into cocoa substitute in an effort to address shortages, high prices, and large...

Artist Daniel Arsham creates limited edition poker sets out of ceramic and linen

In New York, contemporary artist Daniel Arsham has crafted ceramic poker chips and linen playing cards to explore the game’s “duality,” in that it...

Bioplastics get the glam treatment from Mo. Na Gems

In New York, jewelry brand Mo.Na Gems is using potato starch-based plastics to mimic gemstones and, reportedly, gaining a following in the New York...