Barbie Liberation Organization hijacks Mattel’s movie momentum to make statement about plastics


In the US, a group of cultural activists known as the Barbie Liberation Organization recently faked a Mattel announcement that the toymaker was launching a line of biodegradable Barbie dolls made from mushrooms. Dubbed MyCelia, the dolls were said to feature female role models Julia Butterfly Hill, Greta Thunberg, Nemonte Nenquimo, Phoebe Plummer and Daryl Hannah.

The BLO was originally active in the 1990s. Mostly the group sabotaged Mattel toys in ways meant to spark a conversation about the influence of toys on gender perception and roles.

 “In an era dominated by environmental concerns, the B.L.O.’s resurgence marks a rallying cry against the overwhelming use of plastics,” the group said on “Armed with an ingenious biodegradable Barbie prototype, their mission aims to send a clear message to the world: a call for sustainability, eco-consciousness, and an end to plastic waste.”

BLO’s recent action sought to capitalize on Barbie nostalgia sparked by the recent Greta Gerwig movie, which is noted for making strong statements about patriarchy. Though the announcement was BLO masquerading as the iconic toymaker, Mattel has been active in incorporating biobased materials into its toys.