Boeing, SpaceX race to be decided by microbial engineering: report

The race between Boeing and Elon Musk’s SpaceX to put the first human on Mars may not be decided by who can build the...

Earth’s poles offer up valuable biosurfactants for biodiesel, washing clothes and more

In Germany, cold-loving molecules from the Earth’s poles can act as green detergents, fuel additives, and other applications. Researchers think the biosurfactants help bacteria...

Lay off the sugar cookies and eat some fiber instead

In Georgia, a study conducted by researchers at Georgia State University demonstrates that the more fiber you eat, the healthier you are in terms...

Is Holiday Stress Causing You to Drink Too Much or Get Divorced? Study Says...

In Virginia, researchers studied people in Sweden who were alcoholics and divorced to see if they could find a correlation. They were trying to...

Likelihood of Getting Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Could Be Linked To Genetics

In New York, scientists from the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium PTSD Working Group found that genetics have more to do with getting post traumatic stress...

Sheep Show Biomarkers and Hope for Huntington Disease

In the United Kingdom, researchers found certain biomarkers that became apparent in sheep before symptoms even developed for Huntington disease, a genetic neurodegenerative disorder...

Students use synthetic biology to tackle cow burps

In Nebraska, students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln have proposed two methods for dealing methane emissions related to livestock, a major contributor to global...

23andMe seeking more funding to expand genetics research and products

In California, 23andMe is looking for more money to expand their genetics research and work on new products, but they aren’t ready to go...

New non-thermal pasteurization system minimizes microbes without destroying nutrition

In Connecticut, Aurora Products is partnering with Agri-Neo, a food safety technology company that has developed a new non-thermal pasteurization system using an organic...

First global atlas of soil-dwelling bacteria compiled

In Colorado, University of Colorado, Boulder researchers compiled the first global atlas of soil bacterial communities and identified a group of around 500 key...

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Pineapple pact shows fruits of collaboration on Earth Day

In California, Dole Packaged Foods has partnered with circular design firm Rais Case and Ananas Anam, creator of pineapple-based textile Piñatex®, to tackle pineapple...

Project converting chicken feathers into cultivated chicken meat concludes first phase

In Italy, a research project looking to grow cells from chicken feathers into chicken meat has concluded its first phase by generating a batch...

Vote for sustainability: Bioplastic dummy ballots used to spread voter awareness

In India, IIT Guwahati has developed 3D-printed dummy ballots made of biobased polylactic acid. Commissioned by the Systematic Voters' Education and Electoral Participation Cell, the...