DOE, DOD aim for take-off: The Digest’s 2017 Multi-Slide Guide to Biofuels in Defense...

In June 2011, the Secretaries of Agriculture, Energy, and Navy signed MOU to commit $510M (up to $170M from each agency) to produce hydrocarbon...

Millennials rejoice: New uses for avocado waste on the horizon

In Texas, a group of researchers at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley discovered a slew of useful compounds in avocado seed husks,...

Spider silk breakthrough may enable tiny satellites

In India, researchers at Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali have successfully processed spider silk and welded it with other materials, opening...

New wood composite could replace steel in auto manufacturing

In Japan, researchers at Kyoto University are developing cellulose nanofibers strong enough to be used as auto parts but lightweight enough to improve vehicles’...

Chinese scientists on the hunt for electrically conducive silk

In China, researchers at Tsinghua University are working on various methods to make silk conductible for use in body sensors—including a plan to feed...

New microbeads concept could actually benefit oceans

In Puerto Rico, a university chemistry lab is working to create microbeads out of algae, chitosan, and  iron that could remediate harmful sunscreen chemicals...

Dutch have the right formula for the bioeconomy

The Netherlands is doing a better job of nurturing early-stage industrial biotechnology companies than the United States by providing by supporting “biotechnology ecosystems,” according...

Clay-based packaging extends shelf-life

In Turkey, tests have demonstrated that a film made from polyethylene and tiny “tubes” of clay were found to extend the shelf-life of tomatoes. A...

Beauty care lowdown: Is natural really better?

In Canada, debate is growing over whether products designated as natural or organic are actually safer and more effective. “When I hear people say that...

Bensly sees London, France, and sustainable underpants

In Los Angeles, menswear brand Bensly is using eucalyptus-based Tencel fabric to produce T-shirts and boxers. Bensly says its products are “softer than silk, more...

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Debut uses biotech to remove the “ick” factor from beetle-based pigment production

In San Diego, a biomanufacturing startup is working on a replacement for one of the beauty and food industries’ grosser secrets: the use of...

Chinese researchers develop pig gelatin, origami-inspired robots

In China, researchers at Westlake University have made a “soft robot” by combining pig gelatin and cellulose derived from cotton. Inspired by Kresling origami, the...

Milan’s Arsenale Bioyards raises $10 million for biomanufacturing platform

In Milan, Arsenale Bioyards has raised $10 million in seed funding to advance its biomanufacturing platform, which includes innovations in advanced hardware, AI-driven software,...