Flower or flesh? Genetics explain mosquito preference


In Ohio, researchers at Ohio State University are working on creating a world in which mosquitoes choose flowers over flesh, saving us from itchy bug bites and the general annoyances that come with mosquitos. A mosquito species called Wyeomyia smithii prefers floral nectar over blood and new research is “helping explain the evolutionary genetics of the switch from blood sucker to flower fanatic,” according to the Ohio State University press release. Researchers think that all of the mosquitoes in the species once relied on blood for nourishment and that over time, some evolved to prefer plants.

Co-lead author and professor emeritus of entomology David Denlinger, said “The next step is figuring out the trigger or triggers that lead to the genetic changes we saw. It might be a simple molecular switch that regulates some of these genes. If we could somehow shut off the capability to take a blood meal, that would offer exciting possibilities.”

More on the story.