March Madness webinar series: in review, the 600+ slides, the BioChannel.TV replay schedule


BD-TS-041516-MMadness-smYesterday afternoon, March Madness came to a close with the completion of our “Ethanol from Conventional to Advanced” webinar.

We’ll have more webinars over the coming weeks as we turn our attention to new pressing topics — but first of all, thank you to the 1300+ season pass holders who joined us these past four weeks of near-daily webinar’ing, and to our experts who joined us each day, including Cindy Thyfault, Mark Brodziski, Steve Weiss, Joanne Ivancic, Mahesh Kulkari, Martin Mutchell, Michele Rubino, Will Thurmond, Paul Bryan, Mark Warner, Jeff Lievense and Vonnie Estes.

In all, nearly 20 hours, and some 600+ slides. That’s as much as a three-day conference, when you think of it — all from the convenience of your desktop and available for recorded review.  We hoped to change the way that expert content could be delivered across a range of topics including financing, policy, manufacturing and more — and radically transform the cost and hassle for you, the loyal and global citizens of Planet Digest.

Release dates for replay on BioChannel.TV

If you missed out on March Madness, each of the webinars was recorded and will be streamed on BioChannel.TV and available as of:

Monday 25 April Renewable diesel’s explosive growth and horizons
Thursday 26 April Renewable Chemical intermediates
Wednesday 27 April Organic acids: Molecules and Markets
Thursday 28 April Advanced Fermentation Must-Knows
Friday 29 April Depolymerizing lignin and making it pay – now, soon, never?

Monday 2 May Early-Stage Breakthrough Technologies
Tuesday 3 May 50 Hot Companies, 50 Quick Takes
Wednesday 4 May Cellulosic ethanol, what happened, what’s happening?
Thursday 5 May Biofuels Mandates Around the World
Friday 6 May The Renewable Fuel Standard, what’s up?

Wednesday 9 May The new drop in fuels: DME, HMF, jet fuel and more
Tuesday 10 May Competing with sub $50 oil
Wednesday 11 May What’s new and important about 5C and 6C industrial sugars?
Thursday 12 May The new plastics and resins
Friday 13 May Ethanol from conventional to advanced

Monday 16 May Messaging that makes you visible and credible
Tuesday 17 May USDA Biomass Programs
Wednesday 18 May Loan Guarantees: USDA Section 9003 Feasibility Study and Technical Evaluation
Thursday 19 May Successfully financing advanced biobased projects via the USDA 9003 Loan Guarantee program
Friday 20 May C1 and C4 chemicals

Slides available via The Digest

All the slides from the March Madness webinars are being published sequentially and daily in The Digest and we expect to continue to publish them into early May. Check for links in each issue of the Digest. Here are the slides we’ve published so far.

Renewable Chemical intermediates

Deck 1.
Deck 2.
Deck 3.

Renewable diesel’s explosive growth and horizons

Deck 1.

Deck 2.

Organic acids: Molecules and Markets

Deck 1.

Deck 2.

The new drop in fuels: DME, HMF, jet fuel and more

Deck 1.

Deck 2.

The new plastics and resins

Depolymerizing lignin and making it pay – now, soon, never?

Biofuels Mandates Around the World

Cellulosic ethanol, what happened, what’s happening?

50 Hot Companies, 50 Quick Takes