Dry cleaning gets cleaner with biobased solvents


In Tampa, German textile care company Kreussler is introducing a biobased solvent for dry cleaning dubbed SOLVON K4 at Clean Show 2017.

The solvent is partially derived from corn and took two years to develop, says Richard Fitzpatrick, Vice President of Kreussler. “It offers the same performance and safety, but also creative marketing approaches and increased opportunities for eco-labeling and certifications,” he adds.

SOLVON K4 is chemically identical to its predecessor solvent. The switch to biobased solvent was set  into motion by a chemist at renewable chemicals company Green Biologics whose local dry cleaner was using Kreussler’s dry cleaning products. Green Biologics had just brought a renewable chemicals plant online in Minnesota, and the chemist identified Kreussler’s products as candidates for renewable production routes.

“We hope that our innovative new version of SOLVON K4 will the carry the first-ever USDA bio-preferred label in the industry,” says Fitzpatrick. The company hopes to begin commercial sales in the United States by the end of the year.