Pangaia launches $395 biofabricated hoodie


In New York, sustainable clothing line PANGAIA has launched a limited-edition sweatshirt made from Spiber’s Brewed Protein fiber and organic cotton.  

The hoodie, called NXT Gen, is the first time a sweatshirt made from the fibers will be available globally for purchase. However, just 200 were produced. They are available on with a steep price tag of $395. 

Spiber’s Brewed Protein materials are made from plant-derived biomass and a proprietary fermentation process that produces a biological building block that can be sculpted for different applications. 

Dr. Amanda Parkes, PANGAIA Chief Innovation Officer, says Brewed Protein will “disrupt the way we create fabrics through biofabrication and allow brands to transition away from carbon-polluting materials. The Spiber team shows a deep and impressive commitment to complex innovation; we both were eager to bring this capsule to life through PANGAIA Lab and show the cutting-edge technology is ready to scale.”