Intoxicating idea: Jose Cuervo to convert agave into straws


In Tequila, Mexico, margarita mainstay Jose Cuervo has launched a project to convert agave byproduct into biodegradable straws.

The straws were developed in partnership with BioSolutions Mexico and PENKA. Jose Cuervo says millions of the straws will be available next year at restaurants, bars, and Jose Cuervo events across the US and Mexico.

The largest generator of agave byproduct globally, the brand has also evaluated producing plastic, paper, bricks, and fuel from the fibrous material.

“The past, present, and future of Jose Cuervo is tied directly to the agave plant – without it, we would not exist,” Alex Coronado, Master Distiller and Head of Operations at Jose Cuervo, said in a press release. “As the tequila industry worldwide booms, it is our company’s responsibility as the leader to take care of the agave plant and ensure that we are producing tequila sustainably. It takes an average of 6 years to grow an agave plant before it is mature enough to harvest for tequila production, and we have to be committed to finding more ways to use the agave fibers once that process is complete. The debut of our biodegradable, agave-based drinking straws is a new step in utilizing the full potential of this very special Mexican agricultural product.”