APPA recommends big biofuels push to reach Spain’s energy goals


In Spain, the Spanish Renewable Energies Association (APPA) said that biofuels will be the only renewable option for light vehicles with combustion engines, aviation, maritime and heavy road vehicles, even if Spain reaches their targeted five million electric vehicles by 2030. APPA proposes an increase in the target of renewable energy in transport to at least 17% instead of the 14% currently listed in the RED, an increase in bioethanol and biodiesel blends at the gas pumps, encourage double value of biofuels made from UCO and category 1 and 2 animal fats, and more.

“If we add that, according to official data from the CNMC, biofuels are already saving up to 80 percent of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in relation to fossil fuels, we believe that the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) 2021-2030 prepared by the government should make a firm commitment to biofuels within the framework of renewable energy objectives and decarbonization in ambitious and robust transport,” said Óscar García, President of APPA Biofuels.