Keep warm with first ever biodegradable synthetic insulation


In New York, PrimaLoft, Inc. introduced PrimaLoft Bio, the first synthetic insulation made from 100% recycled, biodegradable fibers. In accelerated test conditions simulating a landfill environment, PrimaLoft Bio fibers have reached near complete biodegradation in 394 days, a highly accelerated rate as compared to the negligible degradation observed in standard polyester, under the same conditions. This proprietary technology does not change the performance, look or feel of the garment and is expected to be available to consumers in fall 2020.

PrimaLoft Bio fibers break down when exposed to the right environment – such as a landfill or the ocean. PrimaLoft has enhanced the fibers to be more attractive to the naturally-occurring microbes found in these environments. The microbes eat away at the fibers at a faster rate, returning the insulation to nature. The biodegradation process leaves behind water, methane, carbon dioxide and biomass (expired microorganisms, organic waste). PrimaLoft Bio insulation will only biodegrade when exposed to the microbes in landfills or bodies of water, thus, the insulation remains highly durable throughout its usable life cycle in a garment.