One if by land, two if by sea: The Digest’s 2018 Multi-Slide Guide to Good Fuels Marine


Netherlands-based GoodFuels Marine is on the move. We reported last month that VARO Energy subsidiary REINPLUS FIWADO Bunker and GoodFuels Marine will work together to make European inland shipping more sustainable. As a result, the sustainable advanced biofuels from GoodFuels Marine are now also available at the port of Rotterdam, and will be available along inland shipping routes in the Netherlands through the REINPLUS FIWADO Bunker network as well.

And we reported in September that BHP Billiton has teamed with Good Fuels to trial the first biofuel bunkering operation at the Port of Singapore. One of BHP Billiton’s vessels is expected to be bunkered as part of the project with other shipowners expected to participate at a later date.

Sjors Geraedts of GoodFuels Marine gave this illuminating overview of the company’s promise and progress at ABLC 2018 in Washington DC.