Bill Gates donates $40 million for global livestock health


In the UK, Bill Gates announced $40 million in funding for the Edinburgh-based charity the Global Alliance for Livestock Veterinary Medicines, which works to improve the accessibility and affordability of livestock vaccines, medicines and diagnostics in developing countries.

“For over a billion people living in the world’s poorest countries, agriculture and livestock are a lifeline out of poverty. The science and research being led by the great minds here in Edinburgh are making huge strides in improving the health and productivity of livestock,” said Bill Gates, Co-Chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Unveiling a package of research investments to improve the resilience of farmers’ crops and livestock to natural disasters and protect them from diseases, Penny Mordaunt, the UK International Development Secretary said, “This transformative UK aid research will not only stop diseases from destroying the livelihoods of African farmers, it will also help control livestock diseases on British farms.”