Braskem’s sugarcane-based bioplastic to reduce carbon footprint of LeafGro packaging


In Maryland, Braskem’s sugarcane based bioplastic will be used to package over 500,000 bags of Leafgro, a soil conditioner for sale in lawn and garden retail locations along the U.S. East Coast. Braskem partnered with ProAmpac’s Trinity Packaging Division to use Braskem’s I’m greenTM polyethylene to help Maryland’s Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection and Maryland Environmental Service to achieve their carbon reduction and environmental preservation objectives. Braskem’s I’m green polyethylene is a bio-based resin made from ethanol, a renewable and sustainable resource produced from Brazilian sugarcane that is a drop-in substitute for conventional oil-based polyethylene.

Maryland’s Montgomery County DEP, with the assistance of its contractor MES, led the initiative to find a carbon reduction packaging alternative for their composting program. As part of the County’s annual composting of leaves and grass, that would have otherwise been disposed of, MES converts the organic wastes into a valuable soil conditioner resource for sale under the registered Leafgro brand.