Zimbabwe eyes industrial biotech


Zimbabwe will host its second technical meeting on industrial biotechnology as the country aims to increase its use of renewable raw materials.

The meeting will run August 22-24 in Harare and is expected to “set the tone and shape the implementation of the new NAM [Non-Aligned Movement] agenda to promote value and beneficiation through the transfer and applications of biotechnology,” according to The Herald

More than 40 technical experts from NAM are expected to attend. Topics will include how national and regional centers for development can work together on technology transfer.

“These are tools we want to promote in order to drive industrialization, which is now high on the agenda of NAM, the African Union, and SADC,” says Higher and Tertiary Eduction, Science and Technology Development permanent secretary Professor Francis Gudyanga.

The meeting was organized by the Centre for Science and Technology of Non-Aligned and other developing countries in collaboration with the Zimbabwe Government and the National Biotechnology Authority of Zimbabwe.