What Do Asian Citrus Psyllids and Horseshoe Crabs Have in Common?


In New York, researchers give hope to Florida citrus growers based on new findings regarding citrus psyllids. When Asian citrus psyllids are fighting infection from the bacterium Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, they turn blue due to a protein similar to what is found in horseshoe crabs and other crustaceans that often have the same protein in their blood giving them their blue color. The protein transports oxygen and is a sign that the psyllids are fighting infection, which has been a huge issue for Florida citrus growers who are reporting the lowest citrus fruit production in 50 years due to citrus greening disease from these sick psyllids.

Researchers hope this will help growers with grove surveillance so they know what areas are infected and can treat them early. The research may also help control citrus greening disease by tracking how the bacterium is transferred and minimizing that from happening.