Tereos purchases Petrobras’ stake in Guarani


In France, Tereos agreed to purchase Petrobras Biocombustivel’s stake in Guarani for $202 million, making Tereos the sole shareholder of Guarani. Guarani is the third largest sugar producer in Brazil and Brazil is the largest sugar producer and exporter in the world, making this a strategic acquisition for Tereos. Guarani will be renamed Tereos Açúcar e Energia Brasil.

Guarani has seven sugar and ethanol factories in the state of São Paulo, the best agricultural area in Brazil for sugar cane cultivation. These factories are supported by the crops from more than 300,000 hectares of cultivated land, allowing Guarani to maintain close relationships with more than 1,200 sugar cane growers and producers.

In the 2016-2017 crop, Guarani transformed close to 20 million tons of sugar cane into 1.6 million tons of sugar and over 630 million liters of ethanol; while also sending more than 1 GWh of bio-electricity to the grid.