Using Glass to Treat Cancer and Wounds – Ceramic Engineering Professor Named to National Academy of Inventors For Biomaterial Work in Medical Applications


In Missouri, Dr. Delbert Day, a ceramic engineering professor who has been with the Missouri University of Science and Technology for over 50 years and who holds 47 U.S. and foreign patents, has been named a National Academy of Inventors Fellow. He was named a Fellow for his inventions, specifically glass applications used to treat cancer that have improved quality of life for many cancer patients.

Day is also founder of Mo-Sci Corp. and is known for his innovation with radioactive glass microspheres (tiny glass beads) which are used to treat live cancer patients. Millions of the irradiated glass beads are injected into the artery that supplies blood to the liver thereby radiating the liver cancer without harming surrounding tissue. Day and his research team have also recently developed another innovative biomedical invention that is undergoing clinical trials – bioactive glass fibers that are used to speed up wound healing.