From Smelly Nail Polish Remover to Biofuels: White Dog Labs Looking to Expand


Delaware-based biotech company White Dog Labs, who you may remember for their innovative technology that boosts fermentation yields by around 50 percent and decreases emission of CO2, is looking to expand.

While acetone (yes, that smelly nail polish remover acetone) and isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) are usually made using petrochemicals, White Dog’s plant-based process is more environmentally friendly and efficient. Their recent move to a new facility increased their production capacities, but wholly owned subsidiary, NuMake, is trying to raise more money and looking for venture capital funding to build a new $140 million production facility in the Midwest to take White Dog to commercial scale by 2020. Their ultimate goal? Making cost effective biofuels from waste plant matter.

More on the story.