Spirulina on steroids: The Digest’s 2017 Multi-Slide Guide to Lumen Bioscience


Almost brand-new, the company has developed proprietary technology to genetically engineer Arthrospira sp. (Spirulina), and has built strains of Spirulina that synthesize high value products.

Of late, the company has been working on the design, construction and operation of a large scale bioreactor system (up to 10,000 L per production unit) optimized for growth of Spirulina, together with associated seed train and extraction processes. The company was founded by Brian Finrow (serving as CEO , the former General Counsel and SVP at Adaptive I Biotechnologies, a developer of immunosequencing services and reagent kits to academic researchers and biopharma companies. — Finrow is best known in the industrial sector as the former general counsel at AltAir.