Israel startup E-FISHient targets cultivated tilapia


In Israel, a new cultivated seafood startup has been spun out of a collaboration between publicly traded investment fund BioMeat Foodtech and Volcani Institute, a governmental organization of Israel’s Ministry of Agriculture. 

Dubbed E-FISHient, the company is first targeting Nile tilapia cultivated without the use of animal serum. Nile tilapia is among the most common species grown using aquaculture. 

“The huge ecological damage from the fishing industry, together with the expected growth in world population, call for an urgent solution that will supply clean, healthful, nutritious, ecologically sound, high-quality fish meat for us and for the sake of the planet,” says E-FISHient CEO Dana Levin.

BioMeat Foodtech will hold the controlling share of E-FISHient. The Volcani Institute, with 10% of the shares, will provide the startup with facilities and development resources.