Sustainable upgrade: Dell ups renewable content in laptops


In Texas, Dell Technologies has incorporated biobased rubber from castor beans and other renewable materials into its best-selling Latitude 5000 series laptops. 

The laptop lid is made from recyclable and renewable materials including tree-based bioplastic upcycled from the paper making industry, reclaimed carbon fiber and post-consumer recycled plastic. The base of the Lattitude 5000 is created with reclaimed carbon fiber and new biobased rubber feet made from castor bean oil. 

“Dell’s purpose is to create technology that drives human progress. We’re inspired by the opportunity to change things for the better for our future generations. This is clear in the new ways we’re designing and packaging our products to help reduce environmental impact, waste and emissions,” said Rahul Tikoo, senior vice president, Client Product Group, Dell Technologies. 

The Lattitude 5000 launch closely follows Dell’s release of Concept Luna, a prototype laptop that envisions dissolvable printed circuit boards.