LG Chem and GS Caltex sign bioplastics pact


In South Korea, LG Chem and GS Caltex have signed a joint development deal for a fermentation-based production process for hydroxypropionic acid (3HP).  

The goal is to accelerate 3HP development by combining LG Chem’s fermentation know-how with GS Caltex’s process facility technologies. The 3HP will be produced using glucose or glycerol. The two companies hope to launch products based on 3HP into the biodegradable materials and bioplastics markets in 2023.

 “As microplastics have become a serious environmental issue, products that quickly decompose in the natural ecosystem will be able to create sustainable value in that it will eco-friendly consumption,” says GS Caltex President Sae Hong Hur. “Through our cooperation in developing eco-friendly materials, the two companies will not only strength ESG capacities such as contributing to a circulating economy and reducing carbons, but also create economic value with high value-added products.”