Lygos proves fermentation route to cannabinoids


In California, Lygos (Berkeley, California) has validated a fermentation-based production process for cannabinoids. Using technology gained from Lygos’s January acquisition of Librede, the company was able to produce both cannabinoid compounds not easily produced via traditional agriculture and common cannabinoids, such as CBD. Lygos says it will now focus on scaling the process to commercial scale and launch new consumer products. At over 100 kg, the current scale is already meaningful for several consumer markets, it adds.

“Librede’s vision was to create a production platform for any cannabinoid at costs to drive widespread consumer access,” says Jason Poulos, CEO of Librede. “To advance this vision, we needed the ability to access any compound, scale our technology to levels that support consumer product manufacturing, and form key marketing relationships for existing and emerging markets. We have achieved the first of these objectives, have definitive plans for the second, and are working diligently on the third. We are now very close to advancing the platform to provide direct benefit to consumers.”