Precise Bio first to transplant 3D printed bio-eye in animals


In North Carolina, Precise Bio, launched a dedicated ophthalmology business unit to support attainment of near-term opportunities in the ophthalmology arena after being the first company to transplant a 3D-printed corneal graft in animals. Precise Bio developed an innovative 4D-bio-fabrication technology that comprises cell expansion, bio-materials, processes, printing technology and other required critical technologies.

Key advantages of this platform compared with other bio-fabrication approaches are that it is able to generate complex tissues in a highly reproducible manner and to apply lessons learned from the fabrication of one tissue to the next. This platform can solve critical limitations of existing 3D bio-fabrication technologies and is paving the way for the engineering of more complex tissues and organs.

Aryeh Batt, co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Precise Bio said, “We are uniquely positioned to advance the use of bio-printed tissues in ophthalmology. Establishing a business unit dedicated to realizing this potential will support our future financing strategies and ensure that our financial resources are aligned with the tremendous power of our technology and intellectual property in a market with an estimated cumulative value of $10 billion.”