Bioproducts competition focuses on developing a solid business plan


In the Netherlands, the Bio Innovation Growth mega-Cluster (BIG-C) has opened registration for its first annual global biobased business competition for masters and PhD students attending universities in Germany, the Netherlands, and Brazil. BIG-C says the competition is meant to “stimulate entrepreneurship and innovation.”

The students will be tasked with developing an “innovative business plan” for a renewable product, which can include biofuels, biochemicals, or biomaterials. The proposals will be evaluated based on quality of the proposed design, viability of the business plan, originality of the proposed business idea, sustainability performance, and presentation of the plan. Teams will receive support from their university as well as a “masterclass” organized by BIG-C once the contest is underway.

One business plan will be chosen from each country to compete for a €10,000 prize at the 3rd Brazilian BioEnergy Science and Technology in Brazil. The plans will be judged by a jury appointed by BIG-C.

Team registration is open until December 12, 2016.