Indigo Marketplace launches with $250 million in new funding


In Massachusetts, Indigo Ag, Inc., a company dedicated to harnessing nature to help farmers sustainably feed the planet, announced the launch of Indigo Marketplace and the close of a $250 million Series E funding round.

Indigo Marketplace allows the company to further its vision to better support grower profitability, environmental sustainability and consumer health. Using algorithms and machine learning, Indigo continues to develop innovative microbial products that increase crop yields in the face of environmental, disease, and pest stress. The company leveraged this core digital capability to develop software products that enable data-driven farming and increased food system transparency.

The new capital will allow Indigo to execute on its product portfolio. Indigo Marketplace maximizes the value of the company’s microbial and digital tools and its relationships with thousands of farmers by connecting them directly with buyers and enabling them to receive premium prices for producing high quality food more sustainably.