Wheelman by AgJunction offers autosteering for small farms


In Kansas, AgJunction introduced Wheelman, a new way for farmers to automatically and accurately steer farm equipment at a price that pays back in just one season for farmers working as few as 250 acres.

“We believe that all farmers should prosper, and with autosteering, farmers can reduce input costs and increase yields,” said Dave Vaughn, AgJunction chief executive officer. “With Wheelman, we will bring the technology used by the largest farm operations to one million smaller farms worldwide.”

Automatically and accurately steering farm equipment prevents overlap, reduces input, labor, and equipment costs, and increases yields. The USDA estimates that autosteering saves farmers $15 per acre each year, but most farms less than 1000 acres were, until now, left out. Wheelman delivers a complete, do-it-yourself autosteering system for under $3500 with a simple design that any farmer can order online and install in less than an hour on most equipment.