Canada Invests in Cleantech to Transform Quebec Pulp Mill


In Canada, the Minister of International Development, on behalf of Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources, announced $1.89 million in funding to accelerate the development of innovative technologies that will reduce fossil fuel consumption and decrease greenhouse gas emissions at Domtar’s Windsor mill. The objective of the project is to transform woody biomass into value-added bio-products — including advanced biofuels — leading to increased energy efficiency at the mill.

This research and development project supports product diversification, increases revenue, reduces the facility’s environmental footprint and creates stable job opportunities in the community. On a global scale, as was committed during the G20 Energy Ministers Meeting, it is a demonstration of Canada’s expertise to deliver clean energy solutions for the future as a means to reduce energy use and costs and achieve our climate goals.

The project is funded through Natural Resources Canada’s Clean Energy Innovation Program, which received $49 million over three years to support clean energy innovation and will ensure clean energy technologies are widely affordable and help drive economic growth, leading to a low-carbon economy with good, clean jobs.