NuPlastiQ earns USDA 100% biobased product label


In Idaho, BioLogiQ, Inc., a bioplastic resin manufacturing company earns the “USDA 100% Certified Biobased Product” label for its NuPlastiQ GP BioPolymer. NuPlastiQ GP (GP) is a 100% natural, renewably-resourced, plant-based resin. When GP is blended with traditional plastics, the resulting compounds reduce fossil-fuel based plastic use and greenhouse gas emissions, while also improving functional performance. The recyclability, compostability, or biodegradability of the traditional plastic is also maintained or enhanced.

According to Brad LaPray, president and founder of BioLogiQ, “Being recognized by the USDA as a 100% biobased product will help with our efforts to reduce global material usage and greenhouse gas emissions. It will also help advance both recycling and composting efforts for a wide variety of products and packages. Importantly, those who use our products will now be able to share the fact that they, too, are using biobased products in their formulations.”