New proton battery promises more energy in an environmentally-friendly package


In Australia, for the first time, researchers from RMIT University in Melbourne demonstrated a working rechargeable proton battery that could re-wire how we power our homes, vehicles, and devices. The rechargeable battery is environmentally-friendly and has the potential to store more energy than currently available lithium ion batteries.

The working prototype proton battery uses a carbon electrode as a hydrogen store, coupled with a reversible fuel cell to produce electricity.  It’s the carbon electrode plus protons from water that give the proton battery it’s environmental, energy and potential economic edge, says lead researcher Professor John Andrews.

“Our latest advance is a crucial step towards cheap, sustainable proton batteries that can help meet our future energy needs without further damaging our already fragile environment,” Andrews said. “As the world moves towards inherently variable renewable energy to reduce greenhouse emissions and tackle climate change, requirements for electrical energy storage will be gargantuan.”