Ellen MacArthur Foundation: Oxo-degradable plastics contribute to microplastics problem


In the United Kingdom, 150 organizations are calling for a ban on oxo-degradable plastic packaging because it falls short of protecting marine life from microplastics.

“The available evidence overwhelmingly suggests oxo-degradable plastics do not achieve what their producers claim and instead contribute to microplastic pollution,” Rob Opsomer of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation tells TriplePundit. “In addition, these materials are not suited for effective long-term reuse, recycling at scale or composting, meaning they cannot be part of a circular economy.”

UK retailer Tesco has already stopped using oxo-degradable plastic bags, while France banned their use in 2015 and Spain will implement a ban in 2018. However, several countries in the Middle East and Africa, including the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Ghana, encourage the distribution of oxo-degradable plastics or mandated their use.