Pineapple-based leather substitute firm raises funds, plans to ramp up supply


In London, Ananas Anam, a maker of a leather alternative based on pineapple leaf fiber, has completed a financing round for an undisclosed amount.

The funds will help it increase supply to meet demand from brands such as Hugo Boss, Adidas, John Lewis, and KangaROOS Shoes. “Piatex’s market is currently doubling every 6–7 months on the back of increasingly sustainable and social-conscious consumers worldwide,” says Ananas Anam founder, Dr. Carmen Hijosa. The company is ramping up production in the Philippines, where it works with local pineapple farmers.

Following the financing, Spark Limited Director William Lu will join Ananas Anam’s board of directors, which also includes former Unilever Ventures director Dr. Lisa Smith. Ananas Anam also recently received a grant from Innovate UK, although the amount was not disclosed.