Red meat has no effect on blood pressure and cholesterol according to Purdue study


In Indiana, Purdue University researchers found that consuming more than the daily recommended intake of red meat does not affect short-term cardiovascular disease risk factors, such as blood pressure and blood cholesterol. Red meat is a nutrient-rich food and this research includes all types of red meat, mostly unprocessed beef and pork.

Researchers conducted a review and analysis of past clinical trials that showed clear cause and effect relationships between eating habits and health risks. They screened hundreds of related research articles, particularly focusing on studies that met specific criteria including the amount of red meat consumed, evaluation of cardiovascular disease risk factors and study design.

“It is also important to recognize that our findings are specific to selected indicators for cardiovascular disease risk,” said Wayne Campbell, professor of nutrition science. “Comparable research is needed to assess other health risk factors from clinical trials, including inflammation and blood glucose control.”