Gisung Han’s potato plastic-based stool blooms into wildflowers as it decomposes


In London, designer Gisung Han has created a biodegradable, potato-based plastic stool infused with wildflower seeds.

Dubbed Blooming Decay Stool tells designboom the concept would be ideal campsites or music festivals. “I thought about scenarios where it would be acceptable to use a chair for a limited time,” he said. “The Glastonbury Festival came to mind, where 210,000 people camp in a rural village, enjoy rock concerts, and then leave.”

He goes on to question whether a chair designed with sustainability in mind must always be durable. “How about a chair that breaks easily, becoming more beautiful as it deteriorates?”

Han noted that he considered other biobased materials, such as agar, rice, corn, gelatin, and clay, but ultimately chose potato because of its strength, dryness, availability, and ease of processing. Coconut fiber was added to reduce warping and prevent mold.