From pods to peanuts: Eating potato-based packing material is latest TikTok trend


In the UK, health officials are warning people not to take part in the latest viral TikTok trend: eating potato starch-based packing peanuts used by popular soap retailer, Lush.

While Lush’s alternative to Styrofoam packing peanuts does dissolve in water, experts warn they are not edible and can contain carcinogens. “Many vegetable oils are high in omega-6 fatty acids, which, when consumed excessively, contribute to an imbalance that promotes chronic inflammation,” ThriveLab nurse practitioner Angelica McGough tells Delish. “Inhaling cooking fumes and consuming heated oils has been linked to lung, breast, colorectal and prostate cancer.”

The trend is reminiscent of the dangerous Tide Pod eating challenge that emerged on social media in 2017, where individuals, particularly teenagers, filmed themselves consuming the brightly colored laundry detergent pods. The trend led to widespread health warnings and increased poison control calls.