In South Dakota, lawmakers have advanced a bill prohibiting the production, sale and distribution of cultivated meat. The Amendment, added to HB1109, was passed by an 8-5 vote and expires in 10 years.
The bill was sponsored by District 2 Rep. John Sjaarda, who is also a cattle and hog producer, told the Tri-State Cattle News he originally wanted to protect the state’s beef and pork industry, but later widened his concern to consumer protection. “Lab grown or cell cultured meat has not undergone long term studies for safety,” he said.
However, South Dakota Cattlemen’s lobbyist Taya Runyan said such products will be regulated by USDA and FDA, “who continue to do research and provide a regulatory framework for this novel technology. While our members don’t find these products appealing or endorse them…we aren’t in favor of banning these products that are safe, legal and find their way to the marketplace.”
Similar bills have been passed in Arizona, Tennessee, and Alabama.