Beynon Sports granted USDA Certified Biobased product label for binder


In Maryland, high-performance athletic surfaces manufacturer Beynon Sports has received the U.S. Department of Agriculture Certified Biobased Product Label for its polyurethane binder products BEYPUR™ 320-Bio and BEYPUR™ 340-Bio.

Both binders contain 24% biobased content and are suitable for various applications, including bonding materials like rubber, foam, cork, and wood mulch. The BEYPUR™ 340-Bio variant also offers enhanced UV stability and superior adhesive properties.

The USDA’s BioPreferred® Program oversees third-party verification, aiming to promote the development and use of biobased products. These products provide renewable alternatives to petroleum-based materials and contribute to climate change mitigation by sequestering carbon dioxide and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.