Hit the gym in biobased spandex from South Korea’s Hyosung   


In South Korea, Hyosung TNC says it is has produced biobased spandex using corn as feedstock. Dubbed creora, the material emits 23% less carbon and requires 39% less water compared to conventional spandex. While creora is already in use for general fibers, wrapping papers, cosmetics, and liquid detergents, it took more than a year of additional R&D for Hyosung to deliver the unique elasticity and resilience of spandex with the material. 

Hyosung expects brisk demand, noting the European Union’s recently announced, full-scale adoption of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) in 2025 and predictions by Data Bridge that the global biological fiber market is to grow at an annual average of 5.5% by 2029. “We will drastically expand the eco-friendly product business,” says Hyosung Chairman Cho Hyun-joon, adding that the group intends to collaborate with global brands.  

Hyosung will initially start production of the biobased spandex at its production bases in Korea including facilities in Gumi, and then increase its production through global production bases, such as those in Vietnam.

In addition, it aims to continuously increase the use of natural raw materials for its products through collaboration with global fashion brands. “We will play a pivotal role as an industry leader by steadily developing the next-generation eco-friendly textiles including biodegradable fiber,” adds Cho Hyun-joon.