Dell introduces laptops with biobased materials


In India, Dell Technologies is using biobased materials in the casings for its Precision and Latitude series of laptops. 

The Precision 3560 and Latitude 5320 are the first in Dell’s portfolio to use bioplastic from tree waste. Specifically, the material is made from tall oil, a papermaking byproduct and makes up the machines’ device lids. Although biobased content is just 21%, the company aims for half of its materials to be recycled or renewable by 2023. 

In addition to the use of new, sustainable materials, the computers boasts features ideal for work from home environments, such as automatic webcam shutters and wake and lock features. 

“The advent of ‘work from anywhere’ creates genuine needs for companies to adapt and support their employees to stay productive and can work collaboratively, even when working remotely,” Indrajit Belgundi, Senior Director and General Manager, Client Solutions Group, Dell Technologies India, said in a press statement. “The new intelligent PCs we officially announce today make it possible to work smarter and collaborate easier, so we can give our best selves in all that we do.”