Kalion wins DOE grant to advance glucaric acid


In Massachusetts, bioengineering company Kalion has been picked to receive $5.7 million in US Department of Energy Funding to work jointly with the Agile BioFoundry to advance biobased glucaric acid. Working with National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Argonne National Laboratory from the ABF consortium, Kalion Inc. will use advanced high throughput techniques, advanced analytics, and machine learning to optimize the production environment for glucaric acid.

“Partnering with the exceptional talents and capabilities in the Agile BioFoundry will allow us to greatly advance the industrial bioeconomy and create a more sustainable future for all Americans,” says Darcy Prather, CEO of Kalion.

Applications for glucaric acid include water treatment, polymers & textiles, coatings, detergents, and pharmaceuticals.