Google goes green, pledges 50% renewable or recycled materials by 2025


In California, google has pledged to replace half of the materials used in its products, which include speakers and smartphones, with renewable or recycled materials by 2025.

An interim target, to include recyclable materials in all its products by 2022, has already been met for the tech giant’s Pixel and Nest devices.

“Our new 50% commitment raises the bar well beyond industry standards. We hope this is a milestone on the path to a future where we design out waste and pollution and keep materials in use longer,” Google said in a blog post.

The company also aims to achieve UL 2799 Zero Waste to Landfill certification at all final assembly manufacturing sites by 2022,  and for all its product packaging to be 100% plastic free and recyclable by 2025.

“We’ve already made a reduction in plastic use in our packaging since 2016, but we have a lot of hard work ahead in order to meet this new goal,” google adds. “To get us there, we need to uncover alternative, recyclable materials that will still protect our products. It’ll take partnering with our suppliers, tinkering in the lab and sharing learnings across the industry, but we’ll get there.”