Woodlands Dairy launches biobased, extended shelf life milk


In South Africa, Woodlands Dairy has introduced a package with a bio-based closure for extended shelf life (ESL) milk, with a a bio-based closure.

Woodland Dairy dubbed its new line the First Choice Fresh ESL milk, and is an outcome from a partnership with Nampak, the company’s alternative packaging supplier.

Marisa Maccaferri, Marketing Manager for Woodlands Dairy and First Choice told Packworld, “This relaunch is not our first in our sustainability journey. Besides all the initiatives at our mega plant in Humansdorp in the Eastern Cape, we were the first in the country to move to bio-based packaging materials on most of our UHT products. The new ESL pack closures are partly made from plastics derived from plant-based material. Plant-based or bio-based materials are made from renewable resources that can be sustainably planted and harvested, such as sugarcane. Our cartons are also greener and made from more than 80-percent plant-based raw materials, which ensures that the whole pack is now 100-percent recyclable. We truly believe in reducing our impact on the environment, and these new closures and packs will ultimately help us do just that.”