Bioplastic toothbrush company doubles down with new sustainability goals


In Pennsylvania, oral care company RADIUS has announced new sustainability goals that include making all of its portfolio biobased and 100% biodegradable by the end of next year.

“RADIUS has a new opportunity to be a leader in sustainably-focused brands,” Saskia Foley, President and CEO of RADIUS. “As we shift our focus to bio-based plastics, landfill biodegradable plastics, and other cutting-edge innovations, there is an opportunity to show the world who we are and what we are about.”

The company introduced replaceable head technology for its The Source toothbrushes in 2005, with the handles made from bioplastics using starch, hemp, maple, wood and coconut shells as feedstock. It is now expanding the technology to its legacy toothbrush, The Big Brush. The product will be available in stores in January.