Biodegradable and medicated contact lenses treat diseases


In Mexico, scientists from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) developed Biodegradable contact lenses that have medication in them to help treat various eye diseases, such as uveitis, a disease that involves inflammation of the uvea, or the vascular layer of the eye.

UNAM researchers say the new contact lenses are more effective than medicated eye drops since the lenses gradually dissolve and release the medication to treat the eye diseases. Led by Jose Juan Escobar Chavez who is a specialist in pharmacy and pharmaceutical technology, the team developed the contact lense in a way to allow itself to dissolve with the eye’s own fluids and temperature for effective application of the medicine.

Doctor Escobar Chavez told Telesur English that the cases of uveitis have increased mainly in young adults and children, due to the lifestyle, environmental conditions and the excessive use of electronic devices. People “spend a lot of time in front of television monitors, tablets, laptops and cell phones.”