Maine seeks to boost its forestry sector


In Maine, The Maine Technology Institute is looking to invest $1.5 million in forest products technologies to benefit the state’s economy.

The Emerging Technology Challenge for Maine’s Forest Resources is looking for technologies that use forest biomass and could be deployed at an existing industrial plant. Products that can be sold into a “well-defined, promising market” are of particular interest, MTI says. “MTI recognizes the growth of industrial biotechnology around the globe and wants to ensure that Maine is part of this growth,” says Brian Whitney, MTI’s president.

The $1.5 million will either be given to one product or divided among more entrants. Trade group Biobased Maine is helping to identify potential projects.

Maine’s forest industry contributes an estimated $8.5 billion annually to the state’s economy, with the potential to grow to $12 billion by 2025. Submissions are due by January 25 and should be submitted to