New plant waste based bioplastic created by TheCircularLab


In Spain, TheCircularLab created a plastic from plant waste that can be recycled, composted and can biodegrade in a marine environment. The plastic, called PHBV (PolyHydroxyButylValerate) is in the prototype phase and is obtained by grinding the plant waste and extracting the glucose from it, which then feeds a microorganism that is responsible for producing the biopolymer from which it is manufactured. Like plastics made from other non-plant sources, it could be used to package food and/or beverage products. But unlike them, in addition to being recyclable, it can be composted and it even biodegrades in marine environments.

The plastic was developed in concert with the AINIA technology center, comes from 100% decomposing organic material and can offer an alternative for treating waste from municipal markets and other facilities in which large quantities of this type of food are generated, thus helping not only to recycle this waste but to reduce food waste.