Rethinking plastics: Biome Bioplastics launches digital education platform


In the United Kingdom, Biome Bioplastics has launched a digital channel aimed at educating government, media, and consumers about plastic pollution and the benefits of biobased plastics.

Dubbed #ThinkBioplastic the channel will include life cycle information about plastics in an accessible platform.

“The recent extensive coverage on plastic, while increasing awareness of the problem, has also increased people’s confusion about the existing solutions,” Biome Bioplastics CEO Paul Mines says. “We decided to take the matter into our own hands and form a necessary back-to-basic approach that puts the emphasis on science and fact. We hope to cut through some of the noise in this debate and empower people to make their own choices.”

#ThinkBioplastic will also be working with ambassadors, such as award-winning wildlife photographer Sue Flood, who also worked on Blue Planet and Planet Earth. “Having spent almost 30 years as a wildlife filmmaker and photographer documenting wildlife and wild places around our planet, the issue of plastic pollution has grown in my awareness as I’ve encountered the damage it causes even in the most remote places,” Flood says.

The videos are available at